Saturday, August 23, 2008

Saturday, June 28, 2008

the portfolio

"If you haven't got ten really good ones, you almost certainly don't have enough to stand any reasonable chance of success"
-- Ron Tiner, The encyclopedia of fantasy and science fiction art techniques

i m trying hereee!!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Ilustrasi utk buku mandarin anak2

finally aku menemukan cara kerjaku sendiri:D
Sketch manual, warnain di komputer:D

ya gitu deh...

yenny copyright 2005

Playing music

Awal-awal masih bingung bikin ilustrasi enake gimana. Outline, ngwarna e gimana...
Ini totally full di freehand untuk outline, warna make photoshop

Kurang memuaskan sih...apalagi warna, euh....

yenny copyright 2004

Baby star

Dalam rangka tugas kemasan mie baby star! Maka lahirlah maskot baby star ini!
Gundul, mata besar & riang. Jempol mengacung!
Pokoknya snack "mie baby star" top banget deh!
Gitu kali maksute bayi gundul iki...

outline & warna full tracing di freehand!

yenny copyright 2001

the Bride

Made on dec 2004 when i was domesticated at home coz of rubela virus!
Huh, 1 mg di rumah aja, ga ngapa2in.
Tontonan yg ada telenovela saat itu, jd warna2 make up nya terinspirasi oleh mereka:D:p
Diikutkan juga dalam kontes apa ya di alto dulu :p

media: pencil color, photoshop

Tugas Ilustrasi

Tugas kelas ilustrasi taon berapa yaa.....2002? 2001?

Lumayan ngoyo krn make pensil warna, duh, urek2 kls ekspresi terulang. Tp ini lbh parah krn memadu-padankan warna2...Ga cuma gelap terang n volume effet.
Well tp enjoy krn obyeknya aku suka...
N sampe skrg masi bisa aku nikmati :D ehehe

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Inspired by poy, triggered by blue birdie.

So i try to make myslef keep busy, keep producing, keep do art!

thanks for Ur kindness n talents.